Have you ever felt ?!
Have u ever felt the sickening feeling of loneliness ?
Family and friends do exist .. some special ones too...
But still you feel that deep deep pit in front of you beckoning to you ...
Camouflaging itself like a cushion.. trying to ensnare you into it...
Lulling you into a feeling that it is Independence.. promising you all the comforts .. warmth that you could ask for ..
Only to pull you into nothingness...
Have u ever felt the need to run fast and hide somewhere ?
away from all the probing eyes.. away from the shadows chasing you
Something keeps telling u to never look back ... out of the fear that the one chasing you is yourself....
You never need to run so fast if it was someone else..
Have you ever felt the need to cry out aloud ?
There are a lot of appearances you carry around .. The sweet smiling faces you give are just another mask that you put over yourself....
'This is a Transition phase.. things get better '.. people say...