Familiarity is not that bad !!

I dint want to go to the concert .... But I went nevertheless.... Just one of the things that happen even when you know you have lots of clothes to wash, you are dead tired and you know you would have trouble waking up the next day for the CCNA class (Yeah finally joined the class which I have been thinking about for the past six months)

Now, I wasn't very keen in going to a concert... I've never been to one ... and I seriously doubted my threshold levels as far as a music concert was concerned.. Don't get me wrong.. I do like music ... and I am supposed to be a good singer too.. But I dont get too excited by most kinds of music.. I dont collect cassettes cds .. and I dont keep up with the latest albums...Anyway I guess you got the picture...

But there were some deciding factors ... It was a Jagjit Singh concert and I reasoned that I may never have the chance to actually see him perform again...

Almost everything went fine .. we reached the concert hall on time.. got the tickets ... and we were positioned such that we could see the Great Man performing clearly...

I have never seen so many Sardars at the same time before yesterday .. there were rows n rows of them and ofcourse accompanied by real 'Soni gudis' much to the delight of my friends ...

I was bracing myself for the most solemn of performances when JJS surprised us by cracking jokes every now n then ... then asking his co artistes to adjust the treble , this ..that(and heaven knows what other jargons he was throwing in) .. was really cool....

He was a delight to the crowd judging by the 'wah.. wahs' he got .. the claps that rang out when he hinted at what song he is going to sing by humming it first.. a real winner ...

But I couldn't appreciate most of the songs bcos they were in Urdu ( Mirza Ghalib's --- I know that such a person existed only bcos of a serial that used to be shown in Dhoor Dharshan those good old days) and in Punjabi owing to the crowd.... I found myself enjoying some of the Hindi songs like ' Des mein Nikhla hoga Chand' ,' Ye Doulat bhi le lo ..' because I had heard it before...

It should not have mattered whatever language it was .. music is music .... but I guess it is very human to be partial to things that are more familiar to you....But am not telling that I would have felt better if I had been listening to Carnatic Music sitting in Chennai.. would have felt equally out of place...

Anyway it was a different way to spend the evening.. and I would not think much in going next time if some other concert of JJS comes up ..

Signing off


Gaurav said…
That was a gem of a concert..and even i was watching JS performing live for the first time..
and it was an awsome experience although i will not forgive u for dragging me out in the middle of the show!!

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