Yin and Yan !
What these men essentially meant was that there is no place for a girl in this society who wants to have a good time too...just like a guy ... If the girl insists to have a good time... then she might as well get ready to be raped !!!!
I haven't heard such outdated thoughts for a long time that I forgot that such people exist ...Why does this society tax its women so much ...? expecting a wife as innocent as snow,perfect cook, perfect home-maker, perfect everything... in short the perfect woman... She cannot go out without a body guard for fear of getting molested .. She cannot have a drink..it is totally unacceptable ... She cannot wear what she wants to....the list goes on endless....It is actually very pathetic that the women-folk need protection from their own men-folk in this world of twisted people....
What has the society done to women?!! The women are hidden ... away from the eyes of men... never equal.... always "allowed" to do things..."allowed" to have their own career..."allowed" ..."allowed" !!!! Are men the keepers of this world? and women an inferior third rate species in front of men, who are "allowed" to have some miniscule self-respect.... ?
There was this debate which went on and on and on.... where I was hopelessly outnumbered... deafened by the words uttered and unuttered by people around me... THE TOPIC....
"Women have their place ... YES .. they have their place.... in the kitchen!" I was astounded,alarmed and shocked by the kind of comments forthcoming from young men ..."I will never marry a girl who is very highly educated".... "I cannot imagine my wife asking me to cook!!".... When I did get some chance to air my ideas on this pathetic topic.. I was ridiculed.. I was told that I have lost my senses... and I was debating about without any substance... This for daring to talk in front of a wholly prejudiced group of men.....
I am not sure what is wrong with most of the people around...why is it so difficult for men to accept women in the work place or any place where he thinks it is his prerogative? It is so obvious that a woman is very different from man....no one is denying the fact ....she has a different thought process... she has wholly different set of problems.... she cannot stop being a woman just because she has to compete with men....
A woman co-worker is always trusted to mess up things in the office,is thought of as an entertainment rather than a contributor....No self-respecting woman will try to twist things in the work place just because she is a woman to get a favour from the boss...
Woman is fragile in some ways.... Strong in others...It is just the way she is.... No one can change that .... It is in the best interest of an employer in seeing the potential of a woman employee (or for that matter any employee).... capitalize on it and achieve great results out of her ....
Being a woman is both a blessing and a curse..... It is hard to explain it in mere words...
You have to be a woman to know about it ..... But one thing can be said.....
There is natural harmony in this world only if Yin and Yan go together!
Signing off